
THE RESURRECTED #1 - A dark sci-fi thriller

Created by Carnouche Productions

A story about redemption, mortality and about how far one Aboriginal-Australian detective would go to save his people from extinction.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hanging out with our artist Crizam Zamora
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 06:30:18 AM

Hey guys, things are rolling along nicely here. Although we are funded, we'll still be pushing hard towards the funding finish line this Sunday night. 

My wife and I had the pleasure last week to host Crizam, the line artist on our series, and his girlfriend Ama, the colour artist for the covers for issue #2 onwards, at our home in The Netherlands. 

Although we have been collaborating for 18 months, Criz and I had never met in person. This is pretty common in comics, given how creators are slung all over the globe and are only brought together by the magic of the internet. We all got on super well and had a lot of fun together. If any of you pledgers are creators, then I really would encourage you to try to meet your collaborators in person. I also met our editor, Erica Schultz, in person last year in London and that was also a wonderful experience. 

What was also really cool about Criz visiting is that I am a huge comic book reader and a fan of his work. It was a little bit strange asking a guest to autograph some comics but I couldn't help myself... 

Criz also gave me some original art pages from THE RESURRECTED and drew me the very first original sketch of the characters we created together. What a moment. It was like having my own little comic book convention n our home...

See you guys at the end of the campaign!


Concept character sketches by Crizam Zamora
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:11:05 AM

Hi guys, 

Check out some of Crizam's beautiful character concept sketches for THE RESURRECTED #1. 

Blessed to be collaborating with such a talented artist. 

Our Kickstarter is 112% funded with five days to go! All because of you guys!

Christian and The Resurrected team. 

Print Reward from Michael Montenat
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 07, 2018 at 08:39:22 AM

Hello friends!  

I'm sure you've all seen it on the campaign page but I thought I'd take a moment to spotlight the beautiful mini-print reward that was created by the extremely talented comic book artist Michael Montenat.

 Michael has worked for IDW, Top Cow, Legendary, Monkeybrain, Spacegoat, Darby Pop, BOOM! and Universal Studios Japan.  

You can always order it as an add-on at the campaign if your pledge level doesn't include it.

Check out Michael’s art page if you want to see more of his work:  

Hope you guys like it.  


THE RESURRECTED #1 is 100% Funded! Now for the Stretch Goals!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 04:21:13 PM

Yes we have done it! 

When I say 'we,' I mean all of the awesome pledgers, people who helped us promote, those who put up with me talking non-stop about this campaign, websites who took the time to review our comic or to interview me and finally our ridiculously talented art team.

But the hard work is not over...

So what happens now? We still have 11 days to continue taking pre-orders and in addition, we can really push for 'stretch goals.' Stretch goals are monetary targets we need to hit in order for backers to receive some freebies on top of their pledges. We will be handing out stretch goals for every additional 1000 euros we hit. Check out our stretch goal reward list:

You guys will have to fill out reward surveys once the campaign officially ends but I'll send an update about that a bit later. 

Thank you again!

Christian & The Resurrected Team

From pencils to colours: The Resurrected artistic process
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 07:25:38 PM

Hi guys, 

Things are rolling along nicely and we expect to be funded within the next few days and then pushing for the first stretch goal.

Thought it might be a good opportunity to highlight part of our artistic process.

We’ve isolated one panel to illustrate the process from the very first pencil outlines (which are quite detailed compared to what a lot of other artists provide for their outlines), to the inking – where these outlines are fleshed out, and finally to the colours. 

It is quite common in comics that changes are made during the artistic process, as you can see with this panel. In the pencilled page, the imprisoned Indigenous are standing in front of some trees, while – for the sake of clarifying the story’s chronology, we decided to replace this background in the inked page with a prison.

I know I’m a little biased but I’m absolutely stoked with the magic Criz and Sal have weaved into this panel, and the rest of the story for that matter.