
THE RESURRECTED #1 - A dark sci-fi thriller

Created by Carnouche Productions

A story about redemption, mortality and about how far one Aboriginal-Australian detective would go to save his people from extinction.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

THE RESURRECTED team welcomes Michael Hill as a 'producer'
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 02:04:15 AM

Our team is thrilled to announce Michael Hill as a 'producer' for THE RESURRECTED #1. Michael generously pledged towards the producer reward level so not only is he now credited as a 'producer' in issue one but he will also be depicted as a background character in issue three and is granted early access to each digital issue of our mini-series. 

We are honoured that Michael has placed his confidence in our series and our team! 

Here's a peek at the credits page, which now features Michael :)

Thank you again Michael! 

Digital Downloads are being distributed!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 03:57:26 PM


Quick email to say that Backerkit has started to email you all with links to your digital downloads. They are large files so best to download them using WiFi. If you have completed your survey, yet haven't received the Backerkit email, then please check your spam. 

At this point we are only sending the files to backers who have completed their surveys. So far we are only waiting on 34 people, which is a pretty good hit rate. If you haven't finished your survey, please do it soon so we can get your digital rewards to you asap! 

Feel free to email me if you have any issues with your downloads. 

Hope you all enjoy the comic! 


Reward surveys sent!
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 04:48:55 PM

Hello backers!

As of this morning, Backerkit should have sent you all rewards surveys. They are super easy to fill out, which is lucky because you need to complete them in order to receive your rewards! You are also able to add on any items that you may have missed out on.

Kickstarter takes two weeks before all the pledge funds are finalised. Once this is sorted, and you have all filled in your surveys, I will begin to send you the digital rewards. I was planning to send them at the end of April but this depends on how quickly people respond to the surveys. Fingers crossed....

Kickstarter has had some trouble resolving payments for a few of you but they should have already emailed you about the issue. I think you have about two weeks (from the end of the Kickstarter) to fix the issue before Kickstarter removes you as a pledger.

Thanks again to everyone!

Christian and The Resurrected team

FULLY FUNDED! So what happens next?
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 12:21:15 AM

Well we finally did it! And all because of you awesome backers! It has been an exciting and nervous month and I'm extremely relieved it all worked out as well as it did. You never know how these things will go....

There's still a lot of work to do though. Firstly, Kickstarter will charge your credit card. Not long after, you will receive your reward surveys to fill out. To receive your rewards BACKERS HAVE TO FILL OUT THEIR SURVEYS! Sorry for screaming but it's very important... I'm using Backerkitto coordinate everything and they will be sending you surveys soon so keep a look out for an email from them. The surveys are very simple to fill out. 

On our side, we will be finalising the digital rewards and will have these out to you this month. Our designer will also finish off the print file and we will send this asap to our printer - Print Ninja. It usually takes them 4-6 weeks to print comics. 

The comics and other print rewards will then be sent to our fulfilment partner, who will then ship them out to everyone. I will take care of the distribution here in Holland.

We're hoping you have all of your print rewards by the end of July. There are sometimes delays that we cannot plan for  but we will keep you in the loop.

For the backers who pledged to be in a character in issue three, Crizam has already started work on capturing your likeness in his panels. I've seen two so far and I was honestly blown away. I'm sure you guys will be too.

Once again, a massive thank you from THE RESURRECTED team for placing your confidence in us! 


almost 7 years ago – Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 06:35:22 AM

What an absolutely amazing night for our Kickstarter! 

We had a bunch of generous pledges, including someone pledging to the 'producer' level. Along with the comic rewards, they will be named as a producer in the credits, they will appear in issue three as a background character and will also receive early access to every digital copy of our series!

We also hit our first stretch goal with 10 hours to go! Every pledger will now receive a four page preview of issue two. I'm particularly excited about this because I'm super keen to show off issue two's art. These guys just keep getting better and better! 

Thanks again everyone. I cannot believe this dream is about to come true.

Christian and The Resurrected team